For their upcoming album entitled "Zombie Killing Process" Ohio Slamboys inked a deal with the mighty Pathologically Explicit Recordings

Kraanium, Cumbeast, Begging for Incest, Human Rejection, Traumatomy and the list could go on for a while. Pathologically Explicit Recording is a real brutality collector whom most of the roster won't disapoint any fan of the brutal death / slam genre.
“It's an honor to join our forces with PER ”which is an important label for the European brutal scene and for the extreme music world in general . We have waited and listened to lot of its productions and now, it's our turn to be part of the roster ! What seduced us is that PER has always kept the same direction since the begining without loosing its integrity"
The second album of Ohio Slamboys will be released on May 2019 Through Pathologically Explicit Recordings and all digital plateform.s
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